Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to the gym

Ok so I knew I was a bit flabby after taking WAY too much time off after Ironman last year and never getting fully in shape afterward. But when I weighed in at Louisville at 199 and my daughter Bridget (in picture below) made a crack about me having an A cup I knew it was time to get down to business.

So, I went to Urban Active Fitness Monday and Wednesday this week and did some strength training and cardio which has me sore still today. I have found that lifting weights is really mandatory for me especially as I get older, to stay firm and lean. I did almost no lifting last year and it really cost me. This off season will be minimum three times a week in addition to my off season triathlon training. I have a new dog compliments of my friend who moved to California and left him with me. His name is Max and he is a Newfoundland / ? mix and weighs over 100 pounds. He is only a year old so I need to run him a lot to keep his energy level down so that should help too.

So stay tuned I will be posting my progress from time to time on my way to my desired weight of 185.


triguyjt said...

good luck on the lifting...
I have been a big lifter for all these years and swear by it...

i am at fitworks and will stay there, but i hear great things about urban active.....

jcarneyjr said...

Yea I liked Fitworks also and my kids go there but the pool was my big draw for UA and it was pretty cheap to join.

Tiggs said...

Hey Jack- I saw that you did the Spirit of Morgantown...I am thinking of it for 2009 (Half iron distance) and wanted to know about the bike course- specifically about the hills I might encounter. I'm a flatlander in Houston, TX where the only "hills" we get is riding up and down parking garage levels. Care to share?